It pains me to drive around my small town that used to thrive on Halloween. I usually work a haunted attraction during the month of October, so I don’t see the town during Halloween night. Now there’s such a lack of Sunflower Flag You Can 39t Withstand The Storm The Storm T-Shirt on homes it makes me sad. We spend our whole life’s telling kids not to take candy from strangers in the car and all of a sudden schools and churches have kids doing it. I for one am taking my kids out and door to door like my parents did for me.
Trick or treating should opt-in. Those who want to participate should put out a balloon or Sunflower Flag You Can 39;t Withstand The Storm The Storm T-Shirt kind of marker saying they are participating and kids and parents should respect people who don’t wish to participate. I don’t like it and don’t wish to participate, I leave the light off and kids still ring the doorbell. I respect those who do want to participate, just leave me out of it.
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There are some sick people out there. But as a parent, it is your job to Sunflower Flag You Can 39t Withstand The Storm The Storm T-Shirt before they eat it. Make sure all candy bars are sealed and have air in them and make sure all wrappers are untampered with. Check for holes tears etc. Simple as that. Worried about cars hitting your kid well keep an eye on them. Make sure they don’t runoff. Don’t go to a house that looks suspicious and don’t go to houses that make them go inside.