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Steal I Dare Ya Baseball Softball shirt
These people should be ashamed of themselves. These are volunteers who are doing a job that Steal I Dare Ya Baseball Softball shirt the parents on the sidelines can’t or won’t do. To get into an altercation at a youth sporting event is inexcusable. They really should be removing the children from parents I use the term loosely who seem to unstable to parent. It’s not healthy to have such anger management issues and/or some sort of vicarious. I live through my child due to my own anxiety I was never good at sports so I want them to be-disorder as these kids pick up habits modeled to them.
These young refs get paid but not nearly enough to take such abuse and many quit quite early once Steal I Dare Ya Baseball Softball shirt it gets too much. The parents should remember that and realize that there would be no game without refs and linesmen so they better watch themselves. Players too! Studies show that such abusive coaching and behavior causes a huge percentage of players to quit the sport prematurely and literally never touch it again in their life.
Steal I Dare Ya Baseball Softball shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
I’ve seen all of this firsthand as Steal I Dare Ya Baseball Softball Tshirt a soccer referee assignor. It’s really hard on the new young referees, and they sometimes don’t want to work as a referee any more. I watched a grown man yell at a 16 yr old girl that was a ref for 10 yr old boys soccer game. He brought her to tears. Later I saw the same guy in a ref uniform. Unreal. I’ve seen parents on the other team yell names at our kids. They should enforce a no spectator rule until parents can behave like respectable adults.
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