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Heartbreaking seeing things like this. Why don’t the government do something about it? Young innocent kids forced to work. Imagine their kids being forced to work like this, how would they react. F-up government. All of the Simplicity is the key to brilliance halloween shirt who do nothing to punish the child abusers in the sex trade are complicit. Punish the johns, punish the people who sell children into the sex trade. I’ve always enjoyed a lot more playing with the Technik range than Barbies..though almost 4 decades later a few pink tops, handbags, boots and trainers could be found in my wardrobe.
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Anyone who votes for her and her corrupt party next year needs to have their heads examined Simplicity is the key to brilliance halloween shirt . Good luck to Canada since everything is moving south or not making the cut for Trump’s evil desires and wishes. Read the article before commenting people! Subsidy from the Americans who would have thought they do something so underhanded? With the specs of the sub it clearly couldn’t have navigated much of the spaces in that , imagine if they used it and it blocked up? Those kids would have died for an experiment. And why is nobody questioning how that solid mini submarine was going to bend around corners and squeeze through the 40cm gaps. Required in some places to get through that tunnel?! No one is talking about that! Did it hurt being criticised? Wow! He should have heard what the guy said to improve his . It cannot be ridged but move fluid. No respect for this man now. He is basically is rubbishing the hard excellent work of these professionals.
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