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You are correct for about 90 days. Since we are allies of Iraq and have an embassy there. President can move troops in and out without any congressional authorization. A general is not a head of state. There will not be a war. If there is,it will not end well for Iran’s heads of state. Iran has been supportive of terrorist groups and also acting like one. Iran was named by the US to be a terrorist state. This general has been in the San Francisco 49ers 2019 NFc West Division Champions 49ers vs Seahawks Shirt of past Presidents. They did not pull the trigger due to political fallout. Trump authorized the strike. Obviously Trump is more concerned about America than his political correctness.
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I don’t hear any dems saying this guy wasn’t a bad dude. And they are saying morally it was the right thing to do. However, the San Francisco 49ers 2019 NFc West Division Champions 49ers vs Seahawks TShirt point the fact that we will pay a heavy price for taking this guy out. He wasn’t head of some half-assed terrorist group. He was 2nd in a sovereign nation. Iran will not rest until it evens the score! Maybe you could go over and negotiate for us over there? oh, wait they may just stone you to death? on second thought take a group of your Democrat buddies to negotiate for us with you! I don’t see where I called you any names. Who was the San Francisco 49ers 2019 NFc West Division Champions 49ers vs Seahawks TShirt embassy witch? Oh, did you mean “which”? Sometimes you Trumpsters are very hard to understand. I wish FOX would dedicate a show to maybe improve the language skills of their watchers. Iran’s been killing Americans way before this. Kind of like someone stealing from you then threatening you when you call the cops.
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