Several years ago at a Metallica viking skull australia flag shirt, an employee was denied adequate time to pump breast milk when she returned from a very short maternity leave I know, this is against the law, but that’s a whole different story. Her husband had a job that allowed him to be home during the day with the baby while she worked, so they arranged it where she would pump before she left, he would visit her at lunch and she’d nurse the baby on her lunch break in the car, and then she’d pump that afternoon. So, she was still only away from her desk for one hour total, split between 2 30 minute periods, and every employee got the one hour break to do as they pleased.
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So, her husband would pull up at the front with the baby, pick her up for Metallica viking skull australia flag tshirt then pull to an area of employee parking where they weren’t bothering anyone. She would nurse and in the interest of being discrete; would use a cover.About 2 weeks into the arrangement, HR pulled her in for a meeting and told her that was unacceptable and she could not nurse in the parking lot on company time. She told them it wasn’t company time, it was her unpaid lunch break. So they wrote a new policy about nursing mothers that said the only option available for nursing mothers was to pump. Babies could not be brought on site.