My mom had called him and he wanted to Have No Fear The Redhead Is Here shirt . We hadn’t been able to find out the sex of the baby, so daddy didn’t know whether he was going to have a grandson or granddaughter. He was so thrilled… he made that drive to Nevada in 10 hours and got two speeding tickets getting there! He and my daughter have been partners in crime since she was old enough to walk and talk. He taught her to do everything from ride a horse to change the oil in her car. Now you need to know that I have always considered myself and he will not allow anyone at all to walk all over him. What am I doing? I am not working from home anymore so I can be sure to be here on time every morning. I will leave my house so early that I will be in this parking lot by 6:00 a.m. and I will then swipe my card to get into the building by 6:58 every single day so you can’t bitch at me for being late.The manager raised holy hell with my son, demanding that he work his rotation shift from home when it was his turn. No matter what my son’s manager said, my son refused to work from home.